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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

       The Deepest Foundation of Brotherhood
According to the Bible
In this scene, we see an ancient biblical story, Cain and Abel in a fight. Cain kills Abel because he envies his brother since Abel is the favored, the loved of their father because of his humility and goodness.

Still humankind can not enjoy a lasting world' peace although for centuries sacred texts delivered passionate messages about the possibility for men to build peace and love among individuals of every nation. For example, the Bible's messages of love and care were spread out among communities for years, in particular the "Good News" of Jesus that left behind after His death and passed from generation to generation. It was a strong invitation to imitate Jesus life of friendship, spiritual accomplishments, a life and death of love as a proof of an exquisite care for human beings.

Do people recognize brotherhood because when they come into contact with some fellow men they feel sympathy for them and want to become family? Or perhaps... Do they feel that these particular individuals are as close as their own relatives?

No, although this is an lovely experience, the most profound reason and purpose of God when creates human beings as His family is to let them know that everybody with no distinction is included in God caring dwell; that the purpose is to raise happy sons and daughters united in love for each other from from pole to pole: Alaska to Tierra del Fuego and from California to Nepal. By unveiling through Jesus their beatific kingdom, The Father revealed the wish to become also the Father of His creatures outside the seraphic world in similar way He is the Father of the Verb in the Holy Trinity.

Many people understood the Father's message. That is, He, The Creator of the world, put at risk the life of His Only Son, Jesus, because of this vehement desire to communicate closely with human beings. In similar way, His Son Jesus Christ waits with sincere love for His Human brothers in the seraphic kingdom, Jesus, Who lived and died to prepare a way to reach God. Jesus left a strong message of caring and concern for human lives. Message that was deciphered and appreciated by many throughout history.