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Thursday, September 8, 2011

A journey back to the Holy Trinity

  • September 8 marks the birth of Mary. Born to a once childless couple, Joachim and Anna, Mary is the fulfillment of a joyful and loving promise made by God to mankind for the purpose of foreshadowing the salvation of Christ...  Mary is a precious gift not only to her parents, but to all humanity. This feast day serves as a reminder of the beginning of her divine life as a daughter, wife, mother, and above all, faithful of the Lord From The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception web page.
This day marks the countdown to our way back to God. The birthday of Mary is the beginning of a journey back to God. This is a day of celebration, a day of joy. Yah! ... rejoice because this is a day of glory! Mary made it possible that God's develops a plan of recovery of the world to its original sanctity.

Congratulations friends ... Exult! ... enjoy this day and remember it as an unforgettable date! Having a mother in our land was easier for Jesus to reach us. This was a treasured for centuries by longing Christ the Lord.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

How can people say "Glory be to God!" with all their heart

There is nothing unintelligible for the mind, neither heaven says St. Anthony Abad and eremite (255-350). Then, why people do not say "Glory be to God" while exult of joy with all their heart, all their mind and all their soul as the first commandment invite the believer to? There are many reasons to not do that and all of them are related.
Since man/woman are made to experience God's friendship and be happy with that, the causes to not reach a true relation with the divine has to do with wrong interpretations of love, respect of eternal law, morality, trust and often common sense on how a human being should and should not behave according to a joint criteria formed by human and divine law together.
This is a list of common errors that impede to reach God's friendship. These errors are called sins. We would start by defining the word:
Sin is an utterance, a deed, or a desire contrary to the eternal law, according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, CCC#1849.

The catechism clarifies that sin is a thought or action contrary to the eternal law. It says that:
  • Sin is an offense against reason, truth and conscience.
  • Sin is a failure in genuine love for God and people.
  • Sin is caused by a perverse attachment to certain goods.
  • Sin wounds the nature of man and injures real solidarity.
A careful and frequent reflection against these and similar parameters or statements that would make possible for individuals to find those spots in mind and soul that need adjustments. But most of all people need to bring to their spirit Christ's light to see themselves as they really are and forgiveness which will make man capable of peace, a renewed conscience that transforms lives by doing prudent, judicious changes.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Our Father, our God

People may think that stay and keep control of their spiritual life during an entire existence. However, God the Father takes care of it and leads people through paths and ways they may never walk through if a decision should be made about it.

Our Father takes seriously the task to create, renovate or restore, generate, remake or alter sons and daughter lives according to their original potential designed by God Himself.

The expression "Our" Father says about an entirely new relationship with God, comments the Catechism of the Catholic Church, (CCC P. 668) and is a fulfillment of His promise of love and faithfulness to "His" people.

A new image of God as Father brought by Jesus unveils the news already announced by the prophets of the Old Testament about the loving God. It is a new connection with the divine, an affinity that makes people say "Our" Father ...", "God's people ...". It is the fulfilment sealed by Christ as a covenant that obligates us to respond in faithfulness and truth.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

It is a happy person who loves what is good

It is a happy person who loves what is good and not the one who makes 'necessarily good' everything he/she loves. It seems to me that this is the beginning and end of wisdom and joy.

The radiancy of God is bigger that any understanding

The bright reality of God is greater than any undertanding but also any pain, joy, sensation, thought, misfortune or fortune.

It is a happy person who uses good sense ...

It was said that who uses good sense is a happy person, Sirach 14: 20-27. After reading this passage of the Bible in the Old Testament I felt shocked since what I expected to find was religious advice. what I was looking for in the Bible were tough, strong ideas that would help me endure adverse times.

Finally, what I found helped me more than I expected, "Anyone who studies the ways of Wisdom will also learn her secrets. Go after Wisdom like a hunter looking for a game. Look into her windows and listen at her doors. Camp as close to her house as you can get, and you will have a fine place to live."

I realized that more than understanding harsh thoughts of wisdom it is better to just learn and live under its influence and enjoy its secret ways. Sirach, the mentioned book of the Old Testament that records religious and practical issues is also called Ecclesiasticus. The book concludes: "Build your house there, safe beneath her protecting branches, and shaded from the heat."