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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Self-abandonment in the Father's hands
Self-abandonment - Part I

Like other businesses and human achievements, spiritual union with God is a task of both sides of a multistage process that can be simplified into two, ascetical and mystical. As was said, the Holy Spirit plays a major role to make people evolve spiritually and as in this case for individuals who are especially in the unitive stage aimed to find God through the ascetical-mystical way.

Since human souls can reach God in several other genuine alternatives, the contemplative way commented in this article is considered by many the "perfect" means to reach God. Contemplation is the last step of this trip, but before reaching there, men and women begin to experience the passive purification. This means the acceptance of testing, the feelings of pain, sorrow or suffering that God permits while waiting for this way of converting the individual to him. 2 Kings 14:26

The person at this time may feel that no one is there for him / her and he / she thinks it is isolated and without hope until they turn to God as expected. At the same time, during the development of this stage the human spirit begins to make sound decisions based on feelings and thoughts fed by the main theological virtues (ie, the virtues directly related to the religious experience of God), which are faith, hope and charity.

Please click the link provided in the article for additional information of concepts.
Chapel of the flagellation
The Bible as light for the soul

There are people who love God more than themselves, their personal goals, time, worry and joy. How to keep personal beliefs daily exposed to the pressure of the modern world? What external resources are managed internally along with the determination to make it possible for them a growing relationship with God through time? Psalm 119:137-144. Certainly, these people know how to keep alive their faith in the test of time.

There are human spirits who want to see God and go on to the confines of heaven and travel the universe to find Him, because they know that in every encounter receive an infinitesimal part of Who He is. At the same time, God does the same. The Holy Spirit makes their wants to grow while human spirits feel deep in their souls the desire for solitude.

Where is God then? They know the way back to Him is faith. Faith is the only answer that lights they journey again. The human spirit has to understand, adapt and focus full attention to this interaction with a Partner who knows little but to Whom he/she respects for his presence there. These men and women become captive listeners, sometimes painfully, sometimes joyfully, but as someone who knows that someday will understand the truth of this interaction seraphic.

The human soul knows that one day must give up the effort to find the right word or symbol to decipher their language in front of God and begins to speak the spiritual vocabulary of the celestial world of the Holy Trinity.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Faith as a Resource for the Believer

Some people ask themselves why God gives them the difficult path of faith to reach Him. The diverse, multifaceted experience of faith makes men able to move from one emotional/spiritual state to another that could be a totally different religious experience and often this happens in an instant because faith has so many aspects, facets, colors, flavors, sensations, fruits, stages, savors, tones, feelings, qualities and styles.

Faith is a Theological virtue; it is one of the 3 -the other 2 are Hope and Love- that points to reach God or have a relationship with Him. Theological virtues differ from other kind of virtues such as Cardinal virtues as Prudence, Justice, Temperance, Courage or Fortitude. Cardinal are human virtues that have to do with the opportunity for men to improve through them interactions among individuals and communities, not necessarily directed to God.

Perhaps, the reason why the virtue of faith is preponderant to please God and grow spiritually is because one of the most rewarding experience human beings as image of God may experience similarly to God is to be believed, to be understood, to be faithful to the word and promise given. As Hebrews 11:6 says, “Now it is impossible to please God without faith, since anyone who comes to him must believe that He exists and rewards those who seek Him.”
Christ surrounded by angels
Holy Spirit and the Human soul 

The Holy Trinity lives in every human soul that makes a proper space to a loving Father, a tender Brother and an unifying Holy Spirit Who, incessantly, brings humankind close to God. The Holy Trinity dwell is an enjoyable state or if you prefer 'a place' that some day will be for all but that now God's people could start experiencing as their home.

Glory be to God! Let the Holy Spirit helps you to build thoughts and decisions. Let Him guide you. This way a journey may still become more sweet and meaningful your path!

With a simple prayer a human spirit could start familiarizing with the only God in 3 persons: Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be.