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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sacraments of the Catholic Religion
Sacrament of Confirmation: one of the best resources to Christian growth -- Sacrament of Confirmation: a valuable channel to growth with the Holy Spirit

Grace and resources for Christian growth

With a majestic liturgy opened the celebration in a Christian church of historic Northeast on September 10. It was performed by Bishop Finn at Our Lady of Peace to commemorate the partnership settled between God and men. An alliance of thoughts, ideals and actions crystallized in the Sacrament of Confirmation.

For many Christians, Confirmation is a sacrament of people engagement in the task of building a relationship with God, a decision that testifies the seriousness of the commitment. God’s interaction with humankind is very important in God’s world and also becomes meaningful to those participating in this alliance.

The Holy Spirit as the Third Person of the Holy Trinity -Three persons, One God-, is given in plenitude in this sacrament. With the presence of the Spirit the newly confirmed receives the gifts of Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety and Fear to offend the Lord. These capabilities are given to develop faith and the specialty to recognize the relevance of God participating in a personal life.

Confirmation for young adults who decided to live Jesus teachings is a conscious continuation of the grace that grows up from Baptism. In this church, the sacrament of Baptism is usually delivered at early age as a pass to Christian life.

The newly confirmed shared their joy with the assembly, their family and close friends in a magnificent festivity. But not just those, the whole world are affected by this event. Humankind is a spiritual net fitted together so closely that receives the effect of the grace of the Sacrament of Confirmation spreads out to every spiritual being. For many, this ceremony is an occasion to participate as an anticipation of the delight of angels and saints by seeing God in heaven. When I asked them, “How did you feel?” The answer was “beautiful, we danced, rejoiced and celebrated.” Others impressed by the liturgy commented “The celebration was performed by not just one but four ministers: The bishop, two priests, and one deacon, very emotional!”

The enchanting simplicity of this experience filled their hearths with joy because they knew that this kind of encounter with the Holy Trinity will keep their faith alive. This is why people from these communities appreciate, love and rejoice the annual celebration of Confirmation, this year with the bishop invited to preside the Mass.;KJV

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