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Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Estimation made by the human person

The struggles generated by tensions from situations, circumstances, unexpected factors, everything begins and ends in the mind because of the estimation made from the inner division of the human person.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

The sun as image of God

The sun is another of so many images of 

God in our land. Everywere is filled with 

life and possibilities. You can grow and 

achieve personal fulfillment; It is 

within reach of all.  Wy to regret saying 

I can not see, there is too much light there, 

I want to see it in the eye.

Monday, October 26, 2015


your nature have the resources to take in light, spiritual illustration

Sunday, October 25, 2015

He/she who seeks finds

The Bible says " He who seeks finds ". Are there still unanswered questions about the world, of self, about the present and the future?

Monday, October 19, 2015

The mysterious love of God

Faith is believing in the mysterious love of God. But sometimes the soul wanders asking questions such as: what if I have to spend a day in heaven, what would I do that day?

Sunday, October 18, 2015

A fountain that brings many benefits

The virtue of humility has been defined and explained in many ways. One that I've seen has served many spirits is that of Sta. Teresa of Avila. She said that humility is to find the truth about yourself, who you really are. It is acceptable, right?

A fountain that brings many benefits -Digital painting

The virtue of humility has been defined
and explained in many ways. One that I've seen has 
served many spirits
is that of Sta. Teresa of Avila. 
She said that humility is to find the truth about yourself,
who you really are. It is acceptable, right?

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

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A city with all kind of concerns

Living in a city with skyscrapers, shopping malls and all kind of concerns does not impede the opportunity to dive into the heart of the infinite and enjoy the beauty and peace that surpass all understanding, as the Scriptures say.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

If the physical world is real or a product of thought formed through holograms, if it is a three-dimensional image caused by lights, if it is built with information received in the brain does not change the enthusiasm to travel to the empire of the spirit. Probably the affirmation that the real world is consciousness or spirit in a kingdom intangible transcendent and immanent excites us. If time and space are part of a construction of humankind life, the idea catapults to the infinite dreams, experiences and wishes to possess some truth of the existence. It would have me living today with other people the real world.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

A news that brings joy

How to talk about something that by its nature is beyond or exist in another dimension of the experiences that the words are intended to express. I have a lot of joy because although there were already disciplines such as philosophy, theology and others that studied, discussed, investigated and declared on what is real, this is the year when I can hear categorically scientists join them to say that what is real is the conscience, thought or great energy or God. The conscience of the human life creates three-dimensional pictures of chemical information that receives in the brain to build and name its environment.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Private and shared life

In the book No Higher Power by Schlafly and Neumayr it is said that the person living according to one religion expresses these principles in their lives and actions, expands in some way that faith in everyday action and is not only visible privately. This makes me think how nice would be to observe these transcendent manifestations of the people and enjoy monitoring in the direction that leads us, that makes us dream, yes dream with the reality.

En el libro No Higher Power de Schlafly and Neumayr se dice que la persona que vive segun una religión expresa estos principios en su vida y acciones, expande de alguna manera esa fe en cotidiana actuación y no sólo es visible privadamente. Esto me hace pensar qué lindo seria observar esas manifestaciones trascendentes en las personas y disfrutar monitoreando en la dirección que nos lleva, que nos hace soñar, sí soñar con la realidad.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Sunday, September 27, 2015

A fallen star

It goes down much more than a star of the sky... but gently. The fall of a star would shake us, would overwhelm, would crush the site completely

Friday, September 25, 2015

Monday, September 21, 2015

Angelic beings

                                      Heavenly beings as Christian angelic hierarchy 

                     Numerous angels, archangels and seraphs protect the world.