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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Wisdom as a Mean to Get in Contact with God

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This time I chose as a platform to reach you The Proverbs of Solomon, Son of David and King of Israel, (OT) Old Testament.

I like this book because Proverbs (Pr) is an insightful text that deals with matters of religious morality, that is, a wise way of behaving in conformity with God’s essence and consistent with common sense and good manners. It also comes out with the enlightened ancient teachers on what a wise person will do in certain situations such as in family relations and others business dealings as social relationships and the need for self-control.
You will find in (Pr) appreciative comments on humility, patience, respect for the poor, and loyalty to friends. The book collects proverbs that will help you to perceive de excellence of wisdom as sapience on spiritual matters, especially to admit that God deserves all human respect and appreciation. (Pr) will give you insight and understanding of sayings with deep significance.

As an example let me share with you the beginning of chapter 2 that I certainly enjoy. It says:
The advantages of wisdom
2:1. My son, if thou will receive my words, and will hide my commandments with thee,
2:2. That thy ear may give attention to wisdom: incline thy heart to know prudence.
2:3. For if thou shall call for wisdom, and incline thy heart to prudence:
2:4. If thou shall seek her as silver and shall dig for her as for a treasure

In this way along with biblical authors, ancient teachers remarked that the advancement is for the person given to spiritual reading (SR). But I am going to show you an antique discipline, the Lectio Divina, a kind of (SR) but which differs from habitual spiritual reading.
Hence, to gain access to its benefits, (SR) can have as its end the acquisition of knowledge, the establishment of convictions or the inspiration and promotion for generous acts. Conversely, the aim of Lectio Divina is union with God, dialogue, attention and reflection; self-gift through self-response, communion. This technique is considered one of the most appropiate for reading any of the dozens books that form the Old and New Testment and paricularly Proverbs. If you allow yourself to be grabbed by and enjoy His Word, you will hear even his silence. A siliende that will bring you to God’s clossenes.

http://www.Lectio Divina 101 What Are the Steps - ForMinistry.mht

...............  talk with you soon!

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