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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Communion of Saints are named the people of God
Men and women as God's image

God said, Let us make man in our image, in our likeness and let them rule over .... Genesis 1:26. Do you think it's easy to understand this similarity? It is certainly no. Although the Bible offers a wealth of passages to clarify the issue, it remains difficult for men to analyze and compare a physical world with an infinite reality.

However, it is very important for men to understand the meaning of these statements of Genesis. In the twenty first century is essential for individuals and communities, government, professionals, entrepreneurs and workers to realize the real dimension of every human being declared by the parameters of God.

Christian religions built their doctrine, teachings and practice, founded on the concept of God from the likes of men drawn from their resemblance to God. The dignity of man could also be recognized by his/her communion with God. The ability to interact and become a partner of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, is the opportunity for men to maintain this glorious dignity and not let go for not understanding its excellence.

As image of God, the predominant vocation of a Christian believer is to love and be loved. This role is accomplished in the community as image of God’s community: One God in three persons. As an example and to remark the importance of the community for human beings to fulfill their vocation, in a conference of Catholic Bishops, Cardinal John J. O'Connor citing a book by Dorothy Day, The Long Loneliness, says: "We have all known the long loneliness. I learned that the only solution is love and that love comes with community."

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