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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Picture: Marta Diaz
Title of text: The Everlasting Man - Author: G.K. Chesterton - * A Project Gutenberg of Australia eBook *

Spiritual Childhood

Jesus said that children and those who are like them will be the first in God's Kindom.

... and Chesterton said about us, the christian people, "... that the popular critics of Christianity are not really outside it. They are on a debatable ground, in every sense of the term. They are doubtful in their very doubts. Their criticism has taken on a curious tone; as of a random and illiterate heckling. Thus they make current and anti-clerical cant as a sort of small-talk. They will complain of parsons dressing like parsons; as if we should be any more free if all the police who shadowed or collared us were plain clothes detectives. Or they will complain that a sermon cannot be interrupted, and call a pulpit a coward's castle;..."

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