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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Glory be to the Holy Trinity on earth! ... beautiful catechism for people

I often provide links to the Catechism of the Catholic Church via this blog.
The reason for me is quite simple, the book is one of the most complete, interesting and enjoyable texts I have ever read.
The Catechism is four books in one. It covers all the aspects of a Christian life:

Part One: An outstanding theological foundation of what you/I believe.

Part Two: Knowledgeably and a detailed explanation for you to enjoy the delicious acts of Liturgy.

Part Three: Since religion is not only philosophy or ideals to agree with, the book shows ways to make it part of your personal life.

Part Four: How to interact with Divine Persons in a Spiritual world, namely God, the Holy Trinity, through Prayer.

I know that the Catechism is sometimes hard to read because of technical vocabulary but through the following links you may find explanations that would make it easier to follow. You may also want to participate there in forums by asking questions or reading answers, etc. You may also find the 'Buy 'options but might not need that.

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