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Friday, August 13, 2010

The Holy Trinity and Human Vocation

From the beginning every work that God with human partnership has done bears fruits in the new life in Christ, a life that the Father has planned and executed in accordance with the Holy Spirit. From the beginning everything that God produced is a loving work of the Holy Trinity consummated for each other and humankind enjoyment!Resources.

Some World Religions, for example Catholics, affirm that Life in the Holy Spirit fulfills the vocation of every man and women. But still there are people who feel that they have not accomplished their goals or vocation yet. These people are waiting to achieve their purposes in life, purposes that should be made up of divine charity and human concurrence. This is the life in the Spirit.

The Holy Spirit reaches people in different ways. One way as a substantial source of God's support is provided through signs called Sacraments that churches administer to their parishioners. Sacraments, or rites performed by believers, make possible for the faithful to interact and be united to Jesus, the Son of God. Jesus Himself taught the community to perform these rites during His years on the planet. On these days, Sacraments come to the church through religious services imitating and joining Christ liturgical acts in Glory.

The Holy Spirit also unites the Transcendence with individuals and communities through love, Baptism, which is a sacrament of initiation into the community of believers, Communions, Prayers, Spiritual Retreats and Charity. These channels of Grace or spiritual supports to His people are the main resource of the Holy Spirit to confer the righteousness of God upon communities.

If individuals let the Spirit to collaborate with their personal development and recreation of their being, the Holy Ghost as an inseparable partner of Christ work configures them to Christ’s thoughts, attitudes, behavior, suffering, dead and resurgence in glory. When this endeavor is achieved in tune with this Model of spiritual and human growth, the Spirit makes believers sharers of Christ life in eternity; the life that He has with the Father and Jesus Christ, the ones that fulfills men and women deepest purposes.


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