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Monday, August 16, 2010

Chastity - Sexuality into the Personal Unity
For every human being to be unified depends on the concept of person that he/she may handle; i.e. if men and women connect sexuality into man's body and soul essence, sexuality means a testimony of man's belonging to the bodily and biological world.
Thus, human beings become authentically human when are assimilated, integrated through the relationship of their Matrimony in their lifelong two-sided tribute to each other. Chastity affects the integrity of the person and the integrality of the gift.

Additional Resources

Please see the following segments of an article that I read in Internet. I strongly desire that it reaches those men who commit crimes against women’s integrityhuman traffickers of women and children and who abuse of other human beings in any manner, and …..Oh yes, also those who practice sex for fun.

I hope it helps the victims of all these people including the many new lives (fetuses of human beings) that are closely connected to these actions and are consequence of them.
My message is that I feel unhappy for this facts and pray daily for the victims and that their lives and those of their unborn are much more valuable than any rapist or frivolous, superficial, defined as “not deep or penetrating emotionally or intellectually or of little substance or significance”, and superfluous individuals.

Emergency Contraception (EC)
Is it birth control or an abortifacient?
EC does not prevent implantation. It has no effect after conception has occurred. Thus, they believe that EC is not a form of abortion. [It would be: It’s ok to killed the conceived but it’s not to kill the implanted. What??]
Physicians who are pro pills say:
…Pregnancy typically begins about 6 to 14 days 7 after conception (??? After conception? But life is already conceived!!...Yes, but not fully implanted…...What??)

Physicians generally agree that:
• Pregnancy typically begins about 6 to 14 days 7 after conception, after a blastocyst has traveled down a fallopian tube and becomes fully implanted, generally in the lining of the womb.
• EC does not prevent implantation. It has no effect after conception has occurred. Thus, they believe that EC is not a form of abortion. […again after conception seems to be fine, it’s ok to make life disappears, “to delete it” but when life is growing it would be wrong to disappear it in the stage of implantation].
Physicians conclude that the morning after pill [to name just one] is not abortifacient. [Oh yahh, this means after conception...!!]

What pro-lifers generally believe:
Most pro-life groups have a different definition of the term "pregnancy." They maintain that pregnancy begins during the process of conception when a unique DNA is assembled using components from the woman's ovum and the man's spermatozoon.
They further believe that EC can act in three ways, to
• Prevent ovulation.
• If ovulation has occurred, it can act to prevent conception.
• If conception has occurred it can act to prevent implantation.

Gracie Hsu of the Family Research Council said:
"For pro-lifers in general, we believe that [human] life begins at conception and that means this, technically, is an abortifacient." 4
Robert Maginnis, vice president of the Family Research Council said:
"As far as we're concerned it causes an abortion to take place. It kills a human embryo." 1

The "Christian Medical & Dental Society" (CDMS) of Bristol, TN issued a press release. They are a conservative Christian group who use the pro-life definition of pregnancy. They stated that:
"Contrary to the claims of some, the so-called 'morning-after pill' will dramatically increase - not decrease - the tragic number of abortions in this country. The public is being misled into believing that this concoction prevents a pregnancy when actually in most cases it will abort a pregnancy. ... Approving and promoting these pills is not only medically irresponsible, it is also sending the wrong message to the American public. Instead of promoting this as an alternative for family planning, we should be emphasizing sexual responsibility." 5

Some medical researchers believe that a pregnancy starts a week or two before implantation, they regard EC to be a potential abortifacient. They believe that EC can kill a living person. Thus, they are heavily motivated to oppose women's access to EC.

…doctors have traditionally been able to confirm pregnancy only upon implantation. At this point, the early developing placental tissue produces HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), a hormone which doctors can detect in the mother's urine and blood to verify pregnancy. The mother is obviously pregnant before that point.
[I also want you to see from this disagreement on beginning of life, the article’s conclusion]:

“………. But confounding the two allows the contraception industry to market abortifacient drugs as 'contraceptives' to an unsuspecting public."
Men and women please reflect…This is a very serious issue……

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