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Sunday, September 4, 2011

It is a happy person who uses good sense ...

It was said that who uses good sense is a happy person, Sirach 14: 20-27. After reading this passage of the Bible in the Old Testament I felt shocked since what I expected to find was religious advice. what I was looking for in the Bible were tough, strong ideas that would help me endure adverse times.

Finally, what I found helped me more than I expected, "Anyone who studies the ways of Wisdom will also learn her secrets. Go after Wisdom like a hunter looking for a game. Look into her windows and listen at her doors. Camp as close to her house as you can get, and you will have a fine place to live."

I realized that more than understanding harsh thoughts of wisdom it is better to just learn and live under its influence and enjoy its secret ways. Sirach, the mentioned book of the Old Testament that records religious and practical issues is also called Ecclesiasticus. The book concludes: "Build your house there, safe beneath her protecting branches, and shaded from the heat."

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