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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

How can people say "Glory be to God!" with all their heart

There is nothing unintelligible for the mind, neither heaven says St. Anthony Abad and eremite (255-350). Then, why people do not say "Glory be to God" while exult of joy with all their heart, all their mind and all their soul as the first commandment invite the believer to? There are many reasons to not do that and all of them are related.
Since man/woman are made to experience God's friendship and be happy with that, the causes to not reach a true relation with the divine has to do with wrong interpretations of love, respect of eternal law, morality, trust and often common sense on how a human being should and should not behave according to a joint criteria formed by human and divine law together.
This is a list of common errors that impede to reach God's friendship. These errors are called sins. We would start by defining the word:
Sin is an utterance, a deed, or a desire contrary to the eternal law, according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, CCC#1849.

The catechism clarifies that sin is a thought or action contrary to the eternal law. It says that:
  • Sin is an offense against reason, truth and conscience.
  • Sin is a failure in genuine love for God and people.
  • Sin is caused by a perverse attachment to certain goods.
  • Sin wounds the nature of man and injures real solidarity.
A careful and frequent reflection against these and similar parameters or statements that would make possible for individuals to find those spots in mind and soul that need adjustments. But most of all people need to bring to their spirit Christ's light to see themselves as they really are and forgiveness which will make man capable of peace, a renewed conscience that transforms lives by doing prudent, judicious changes.

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