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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Christ, justification and grace

Jesus and the Saints
Para leer el texto original en espanol de estos primeros 2 parrafos del catecismo haga clic:

Christ, Justification and Grace

1996 Justification comes from God since good reason is God’s favor; it is a free and undeserved help that God gives His people to respond to Him by improving his/her personal life and its standards. With justification, grace is given to become children of God, sons, partakers of the divine nature and of eternal continuation life.46

1997 Grace is participation in the life of God. It introduces people into the intimacy of Trinitarian existence: by Baptism the Christian takes part in the grace of Christ, the Head of his Body. As an adopted son man can, with Jesus, from this day forward call God "Father". Man/woman receives the life of the Spirit who breathes out charity into him and forms the Church. From Catechism of the Catholic Church – with page numbers for this edition

What does it mean to be spiritual and inherit God’s same life? When a person makes a comment on spirituality, some people associate the concept to meditation, a feeling of peace and comfort, relieve or security. But spiritual life is much more than that since it involves the spirit of the whole person, his/her mind with emotions, passions and abilities interacting with the individual faculties and talents, capabilities, aptitudes. In other words, full human potential takes part on spiritual experiences.

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