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Friday, January 20, 2012

Spiritual science: understanding God's glory

Experience, joy, information are valuable resources given to delight and understand God's glory; this means that these practices would lead an individual to the acquisition of Spiritual Science... So multiplying talents and skills as mentioned in The Scriptures people could expect to receive from God that insight and perception of His divine dwell.

In reality, it all depends on how willing you are to make this exploration of the world of God  by identifying your life with the divine existence of God, the Son. Coexisting supernatural intentions developed in human circumstances in the world we inhabit today are finally similar to those of the time of Jesus. Same human capabilities required to survive in the world of work, academics or social relationships will be  required and used for relations of spiritual tone indeed.

There is no a cut between both realities already mentioned; also, the same person is subject and recipient of both experiences. Man and woman make use of an unique human potential of skills and knowledge. These resources are developed  and enriched in human experiences and situations set according to a purpose. The set of wrong goals would lead to the auto-destruction of the individual. 

If the human person 'designed' to perform immanent and transcendental actions knows the potential available to perfectly act in both directions, horizontally and vertically toward God, for the fulfillment of his/her being, then, he/she can make use of such potential. Otherwise, if he/she even doesn't know that can make use of and take advantage of this potential, if not known what they have is all they need to act as partner of God to attain full human development happens that they can not utilize those resources for this purpose.

I would conclude that a human being has an inner ear to hear and understand ideas while explore and are brought to internal thoughts, including digressions, with spiritual experiences. In a main role of attention, the person meets a new science, the science of the spirit, ... through faith.

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