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Friday, November 19, 2010

Christianity-in-kansas-city, Marta Diaz

Lily is determined to grow spiritually
Jesus Carried up to a Pinnacle of the Temple(Jésus porté sur le pinacle du Temple)Luke 4:9-13
Lily decided to take the risk. One day she will be able to gather the fruits of this endeavor. Until that day comes, she will continue experimenting with thoughts and ideas but avoiding involving her emotional life on it. Strangely ignoring her feelings, Lily will do this for a long time.

Using a specific terminology of Saint John of the Cross, after a ‘dark night’ for her soul, the eleven years old Lily remained searching inside her mind with no explicit direction or knowledge but with the purpose to find answers, something valuable in it.

The girl was trying to know more about her spirit, a term that she heard in the church and at school. Lily thought that the word spirit should be related to the word soul, a term that the girl already knew at the time of discovering the reality of the spirit. Thus, looking with some direction then, she turned to herself one more time questioning, searching inside her mind and her spirit, …what will the spirit, soul, mind stand for? At that time, it was impossible to solve that dilemma.

The purpose to identify, connect and find meaning for all these realities was an immense task that only after years of hunt, Lily clarified and set up some stability that usually comes with the appropriate explanations. Only as a young adult she understood what it means ‘to be unified’, a word but specially a practice that spiritual masters frequently recommend and teach their pupils.

As an apprentice, the purpose to identify, connect or integrate her being, and achieve harmony for her life was something that Lily did intuitively at the beginning. As was said, intellection of those terms and events that marked her life came years later. Those spiritual stages Lily accomplished with no enough coomprehension but with a determination that, thank God, Lily never lost.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Humility, faith, love to succeed in God's world

When you think of Christ, do thoughts come to mind as a command…, “I have to praise God for what He gave me”, or you turn to Him just because you what to spend that moment with Him? In that case love is the motif and sincerely comes from the heart. This is important to know in order for you to know if have the attitude that will make you feel absolutely comfortable with God.

The best disposition counts because it makes a big difference during the spiritual journey. Love is humble and humility makes people wise as a popular Biblical passage affirms: “He who humbles himself will be exalted”. The virtue of humility is the foundation and beginning to unveiling for you Jesus’ Face.

Only when a person humbly acknowledges that the development of virtues such as faith, humility and charity to succeed in the transcendent world of God is a continue process, then he/she is ready to receive as a gift insight about spiritual matters.


Faith, humility, charity:

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Communion of Saints are named the people of God
Men and women as God's image

God said, Let us make man in our image, in our likeness and let them rule over .... Genesis 1:26. Do you think it's easy to understand this similarity? It is certainly no. Although the Bible offers a wealth of passages to clarify the issue, it remains difficult for men to analyze and compare a physical world with an infinite reality.

However, it is very important for men to understand the meaning of these statements of Genesis. In the twenty first century is essential for individuals and communities, government, professionals, entrepreneurs and workers to realize the real dimension of every human being declared by the parameters of God.

Christian religions built their doctrine, teachings and practice, founded on the concept of God from the likes of men drawn from their resemblance to God. The dignity of man could also be recognized by his/her communion with God. The ability to interact and become a partner of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, is the opportunity for men to maintain this glorious dignity and not let go for not understanding its excellence.

As image of God, the predominant vocation of a Christian believer is to love and be loved. This role is accomplished in the community as image of God’s community: One God in three persons. As an example and to remark the importance of the community for human beings to fulfill their vocation, in a conference of Catholic Bishops, Cardinal John J. O'Connor citing a book by Dorothy Day, The Long Loneliness, says: "We have all known the long loneliness. I learned that the only solution is love and that love comes with community."
Self-abandonment -Part II

Self-abandonment is the perfect attitude toward God for the spiritual being who accepts the experience of the spiritual path. At first, it can be confusing for some people who enthusiastically offered their lives to God and in short started experiencing some kind of regression.

In view of these loyal people sudden lack of fervor and desire, inability to control their spiritual progress, and thereby meet commitments are associated with inability to manage the transcendent affairs. Spiritual instability, doubt, insecurity after begin the spiritual development task is related to lack of willingness or ability to sustain spiritual growth.

Some of them leave the commitment caused by anxiety, some continue but with a lot of pain, and eventually, others find guidance on time to rectify the evaluation done to experiences that could be worth the effort. Experts generally mystical authors as Saint John of the Cross define this moment as a transition between the natural knowledge of the spiritual to a mystical understanding of the religious experience and clarify the steps of the process as going gradually through a path of darkness or lack of light, uncertainty and doubts to a path of light in the last stages. This makes it important to know the reason of self-abandonment into the hands of God as the best attitude for the good of the creature.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Self-abandonment in the Father's hands
Self-abandonment - Part I

Like other businesses and human achievements, spiritual union with God is a task of both sides of a multistage process that can be simplified into two, ascetical and mystical. As was said, the Holy Spirit plays a major role to make people evolve spiritually and as in this case for individuals who are especially in the unitive stage aimed to find God through the ascetical-mystical way.

Since human souls can reach God in several other genuine alternatives, the contemplative way commented in this article is considered by many the "perfect" means to reach God. Contemplation is the last step of this trip, but before reaching there, men and women begin to experience the passive purification. This means the acceptance of testing, the feelings of pain, sorrow or suffering that God permits while waiting for this way of converting the individual to him. 2 Kings 14:26

The person at this time may feel that no one is there for him / her and he / she thinks it is isolated and without hope until they turn to God as expected. At the same time, during the development of this stage the human spirit begins to make sound decisions based on feelings and thoughts fed by the main theological virtues (ie, the virtues directly related to the religious experience of God), which are faith, hope and charity.

Please click the link provided in the article for additional information of concepts.
Chapel of the flagellation
The Bible as light for the soul

There are people who love God more than themselves, their personal goals, time, worry and joy. How to keep personal beliefs daily exposed to the pressure of the modern world? What external resources are managed internally along with the determination to make it possible for them a growing relationship with God through time? Psalm 119:137-144. Certainly, these people know how to keep alive their faith in the test of time.

There are human spirits who want to see God and go on to the confines of heaven and travel the universe to find Him, because they know that in every encounter receive an infinitesimal part of Who He is. At the same time, God does the same. The Holy Spirit makes their wants to grow while human spirits feel deep in their souls the desire for solitude.

Where is God then? They know the way back to Him is faith. Faith is the only answer that lights they journey again. The human spirit has to understand, adapt and focus full attention to this interaction with a Partner who knows little but to Whom he/she respects for his presence there. These men and women become captive listeners, sometimes painfully, sometimes joyfully, but as someone who knows that someday will understand the truth of this interaction seraphic.

The human soul knows that one day must give up the effort to find the right word or symbol to decipher their language in front of God and begins to speak the spiritual vocabulary of the celestial world of the Holy Trinity.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Faith as a Resource for the Believer

Some people ask themselves why God gives them the difficult path of faith to reach Him. The diverse, multifaceted experience of faith makes men able to move from one emotional/spiritual state to another that could be a totally different religious experience and often this happens in an instant because faith has so many aspects, facets, colors, flavors, sensations, fruits, stages, savors, tones, feelings, qualities and styles.

Faith is a Theological virtue; it is one of the 3 -the other 2 are Hope and Love- that points to reach God or have a relationship with Him. Theological virtues differ from other kind of virtues such as Cardinal virtues as Prudence, Justice, Temperance, Courage or Fortitude. Cardinal are human virtues that have to do with the opportunity for men to improve through them interactions among individuals and communities, not necessarily directed to God.

Perhaps, the reason why the virtue of faith is preponderant to please God and grow spiritually is because one of the most rewarding experience human beings as image of God may experience similarly to God is to be believed, to be understood, to be faithful to the word and promise given. As Hebrews 11:6 says, “Now it is impossible to please God without faith, since anyone who comes to him must believe that He exists and rewards those who seek Him.”
Christ surrounded by angels
Holy Spirit and the Human soul 

The Holy Trinity lives in every human soul that makes a proper space to a loving Father, a tender Brother and an unifying Holy Spirit Who, incessantly, brings humankind close to God. The Holy Trinity dwell is an enjoyable state or if you prefer 'a place' that some day will be for all but that now God's people could start experiencing as their home.

Glory be to God! Let the Holy Spirit helps you to build thoughts and decisions. Let Him guide you. This way a journey may still become more sweet and meaningful your path!

With a simple prayer a human spirit could start familiarizing with the only God in 3 persons: Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Resurrection of Christ
Enjoy this poem taken from the following Christian page:

A Young Fellow of Trinity

There was a young fellow of Trinity

Who found the square root of infinity

But the number of digits

Gave him the fidgets;

So he dropped Maths and took up Divinity.
Please feel free to see other articles at:

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Religion, Bible, Faith, Prayer: FaithFrequently, I asked myself why God gives us ...

As the breeze in the afternoon is the spiritual experience of believers. Soft and sweet is your company. Blessed be God; is He who arrives.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Bible

If heaven and earth were created in six days or if number 'six' is a biblical symbol does not change this religious story. It does not change the faith of believers. Strictly the Bible is not a scientific or historic book. The Bible is primarily a story of God deeds in favor of a community of followers represented by the Israelites in the old testament and on these days for churches or temples surviving among developed cultures and surrounded by powerful cities.

The Bible is a story of love, care and relationship between God and "His people". It is a story of commitment, agreement between two parties. Men would honor and love their God. God would love, save mankind and give life.

Now I'm going to remain silent so you can find the atmosphere to enjoy this wonderful passage from the Book of Genesis Chapter 1

God created Heaven, Earth, and everything within them in six days.

The creation of light1:1. In the beginning God created heaven and earth.
1:2. The earth was void and empty, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; the spirit of God moved over the waters.
1:3. God said: "Let light be made." And light was made.
1:4. God saw that the light was good; and He divided the light from the darkness.
1:5. He called the light Day and the darkness Night, and there was evening and morning, one day.
1:6. Then God said, "Let there be a firmament made amid the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters."

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Frequently, I asked myself why God gives us the difficult path of faith to reach Him. Faith has so many aspects, facets, colors, flavors, sensations, fruits, stages, savors, tones, feelings, qualities and styles. The diverse, multifaceted experience of faith makes men able to move from one emotional/spiritual state to another that could be a totally different religious experience and often this change happens an instant.

 Faith is a Theological virtue; it is one of the 3 -the other 2 are Hope and Love- that points to reach God or have a relationship with Him. Theological virtues differ from other kind of virtues such as Cardinal virtues as Prudence, Justice, Temperance, Courage or Fortitude, human virtues that have to do with the opportunity for men to improve through them interactions among individuals and communities.

Perhaps, the reason why the virtue of faith is preponderant to please God and grow spiritually as men himself as image of God could experience is to be believed, to be understood, to be faithful to the word and promise given. This could become one of the most rewarding experience that he/she may have. Hebrews 11:6 says "Now it is impossible to please God without faith, since anyone who comes to him must believe that He exists and rewards those who seek Him.”

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Faith as the suitable theological virtue to approach religious experience

The love of Jesus inspires people every day. The love of Jesus makes followers feel happy, animated, and powerful. From this view, life becomes a beautiful experience with an incredible potential…but every finding and/or disclosure should be informed by faith.

Earth and heaven seems to merge when someone feels that God is near. He/she can see God’s world with inner eyes that nobody taught to use but indubitable are worked with as a bridge to reach God and feel His care and love. Outside, the surroundings emerge different too. Every place looks as previously drawn with a pencil and that now is being taken to its development…and the soul bursts with joy. The body rejoices while the individual remains as witness of that experience seeing how his/her body and senses are caught and come to be happy captives too.

But as William James says: “…religious experience, as we have studied it, cannot be cited as unequivocally supporting the infinitist belief. The only thing that it unequivocally testifies to is that we can experience union with something larger than ourselves and in that union find our greatest peace.” James’ differentiation between ways to manifest inner beliefs is clear.

Faith as the universal tool of believers marks the most suitable approach to any religious experience. Paul in a letter to his beloved son Timothy: 2 Timothy 1:12, expresses his joy since his faith relied on God when tribulations come. Paul clearly knows in Whom he have trusted, Jesus, Who will guard Paul’s life until “…that day” as he says in the letter.

Lastly, theologians clarify that faith is first a move of God, Who impels men to turn to Him. Thus, Theology, the science of faith as an answer to God, is based on faith at the foundation of methods used to support its hypothesis, methods that differ from those used by human sciences to prove human theorems. Faith is the necessary tool to approach religious experiences, the study of theology, and all kind of interaction with a transcendent world.
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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sacraments of the Catholic Religion
Sacrament of Confirmation: one of the best resources to Christian growth -- Sacrament of Confirmation: a valuable channel to growth with the Holy Spirit

Grace and resources for Christian growth

With a majestic liturgy opened the celebration in a Christian church of historic Northeast on September 10. It was performed by Bishop Finn at Our Lady of Peace to commemorate the partnership settled between God and men. An alliance of thoughts, ideals and actions crystallized in the Sacrament of Confirmation.

For many Christians, Confirmation is a sacrament of people engagement in the task of building a relationship with God, a decision that testifies the seriousness of the commitment. God’s interaction with humankind is very important in God’s world and also becomes meaningful to those participating in this alliance.

The Holy Spirit as the Third Person of the Holy Trinity -Three persons, One God-, is given in plenitude in this sacrament. With the presence of the Spirit the newly confirmed receives the gifts of Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety and Fear to offend the Lord. These capabilities are given to develop faith and the specialty to recognize the relevance of God participating in a personal life.

Confirmation for young adults who decided to live Jesus teachings is a conscious continuation of the grace that grows up from Baptism. In this church, the sacrament of Baptism is usually delivered at early age as a pass to Christian life.

The newly confirmed shared their joy with the assembly, their family and close friends in a magnificent festivity. But not just those, the whole world are affected by this event. Humankind is a spiritual net fitted together so closely that receives the effect of the grace of the Sacrament of Confirmation spreads out to every spiritual being. For many, this ceremony is an occasion to participate as an anticipation of the delight of angels and saints by seeing God in heaven. When I asked them, “How did you feel?” The answer was “beautiful, we danced, rejoiced and celebrated.” Others impressed by the liturgy commented “The celebration was performed by not just one but four ministers: The bishop, two priests, and one deacon, very emotional!”

The enchanting simplicity of this experience filled their hearths with joy because they knew that this kind of encounter with the Holy Trinity will keep their faith alive. This is why people from these communities appreciate, love and rejoice the annual celebration of Confirmation, this year with the bishop invited to preside the Mass.;KJV

Soon you will be able to view similar articles of Marta Diaz here:

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Glory Be
The Holy Trinity lives in every soul that turns to God. They inhabit in a mind that makes a space to think, dialog and stay with a loving Father, Brother and an unifying Holy Spirit. "There is nothing unintelligible for the intelligence, neither heaven" said Saint Anthony Abad (250-355). The spirit of God incessantly brings humankind to a close relationship with the divine being.

The Holy Trinity's dwell is an enjoyable state of mind, spirit and body for man/woman who contains as an arc the incommensurable Divine Nature. 
Glory be to God in Heaven! Peace and delight to God's People on Earth!
Prayer: Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.
La Rioja - My Hometown
Finding one's inner peace

Some educationists recommend that curriculum for a particular process of learning begins with the study on self-improvement. This means, cultivation of one’s thoughts, words, and actions.

Life itself is a range of lessons. If a person could take advantage of this learning experience, he/she will be able to get the most out of life. If a person is able to learn or relearn some actions, he/she grows and contribute to better interactions with others.
We could start this journey's reflecting on how to keep one's inner peace.
With peace we gain knowledge; with knowledge, we gain understanding; with understanding, we gain wisdom.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Holy Trinity Seraphic World
Objective: Sanctity

Suggested Activities

Could you identify in this blog a theme that are more interested in and look for something new about it in Internet? To start your search you may use these or similar keywords: Christian prayer, Holy Trinity, meditation.......and many others... You will find a google box at the left side to get started.
Also you could use your own material or visit the websites provided at the bottom of the articles already posted. In case you need additional information look for this enlightening page: List of Catholic philosophers and theologians at  

Would you work with the new concepts by comparing and connecting them to your belief system?

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Psalm 14 - Old Testament  

1 Lord, who shall be admitted to your tent

and dwell on your holy mountain?

2 He who walks without fault;

he who acts with justice

and speaks the truth from his heart;

3 he who does not slander with his tongue;

He who does no wrong to his brother,

who casts no slur on his neighbor,

4 who holds the godless in disdain,

but honors those who fear the Lord;

he who keeps his pledge, come what may;

5 who takes no interest on a loan

and accepts no bribes against the innocent.

Such a man will stand firm forever.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

       The Deepest Foundation of Brotherhood
According to the Bible
In this scene, we see an ancient biblical story, Cain and Abel in a fight. Cain kills Abel because he envies his brother since Abel is the favored, the loved of their father because of his humility and goodness.

Still humankind can not enjoy a lasting world' peace although for centuries sacred texts delivered passionate messages about the possibility for men to build peace and love among individuals of every nation. For example, the Bible's messages of love and care were spread out among communities for years, in particular the "Good News" of Jesus that left behind after His death and passed from generation to generation. It was a strong invitation to imitate Jesus life of friendship, spiritual accomplishments, a life and death of love as a proof of an exquisite care for human beings.

Do people recognize brotherhood because when they come into contact with some fellow men they feel sympathy for them and want to become family? Or perhaps... Do they feel that these particular individuals are as close as their own relatives?

No, although this is an lovely experience, the most profound reason and purpose of God when creates human beings as His family is to let them know that everybody with no distinction is included in God caring dwell; that the purpose is to raise happy sons and daughters united in love for each other from from pole to pole: Alaska to Tierra del Fuego and from California to Nepal. By unveiling through Jesus their beatific kingdom, The Father revealed the wish to become also the Father of His creatures outside the seraphic world in similar way He is the Father of the Verb in the Holy Trinity.

Many people understood the Father's message. That is, He, The Creator of the world, put at risk the life of His Only Son, Jesus, because of this vehement desire to communicate closely with human beings. In similar way, His Son Jesus Christ waits with sincere love for His Human brothers in the seraphic kingdom, Jesus, Who lived and died to prepare a way to reach God. Jesus left a strong message of caring and concern for human lives. Message that was deciphered and appreciated by many throughout history.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Climate of Prayer

Avoid anger in any way because oppression to mind or heart will affect the performance of one or both of these two excellent means that you have and will need integrated and in harmony to focus on an deal with spiritual matters; they will be unable to respond. Any stressful situation or upsetting circumstance will make hard for you to pray. But as an old saying states “Evil thoughts cut off good thoughts and are cut off by good thoughts”. In this case look for spiritual readings, an inspiring image or a nice prayer, all they bear good thoughts and bring your intellect to stability.

Prayer is the opportunity to liberate the spirit that is afflicted, worried or
in any other oppressive state. When the deepest energies of the body and spirit are freed from negative emotions, awful habits or erroneous behavior, then, the person shines and naturally returns to enjoy God's partnership.

The recovered human integration of mind, body and spirit is a work of Jesus' grace and human correspondence to that love and care.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Chastity - Sexuality into the Personal Unity
For every human being to be unified depends on the concept of person that he/she may handle; i.e. if men and women connect sexuality into man's body and soul essence, sexuality means a testimony of man's belonging to the bodily and biological world.
Thus, human beings become authentically human when are assimilated, integrated through the relationship of their Matrimony in their lifelong two-sided tribute to each other. Chastity affects the integrity of the person and the integrality of the gift.

Additional Resources

Please see the following segments of an article that I read in Internet. I strongly desire that it reaches those men who commit crimes against women’s integrityhuman traffickers of women and children and who abuse of other human beings in any manner, and …..Oh yes, also those who practice sex for fun.

I hope it helps the victims of all these people including the many new lives (fetuses of human beings) that are closely connected to these actions and are consequence of them.
My message is that I feel unhappy for this facts and pray daily for the victims and that their lives and those of their unborn are much more valuable than any rapist or frivolous, superficial, defined as “not deep or penetrating emotionally or intellectually or of little substance or significance”, and superfluous individuals.

Emergency Contraception (EC)
Is it birth control or an abortifacient?
EC does not prevent implantation. It has no effect after conception has occurred. Thus, they believe that EC is not a form of abortion. [It would be: It’s ok to killed the conceived but it’s not to kill the implanted. What??]
Physicians who are pro pills say:
…Pregnancy typically begins about 6 to 14 days 7 after conception (??? After conception? But life is already conceived!!...Yes, but not fully implanted…...What??)

Physicians generally agree that:
• Pregnancy typically begins about 6 to 14 days 7 after conception, after a blastocyst has traveled down a fallopian tube and becomes fully implanted, generally in the lining of the womb.
• EC does not prevent implantation. It has no effect after conception has occurred. Thus, they believe that EC is not a form of abortion. […again after conception seems to be fine, it’s ok to make life disappears, “to delete it” but when life is growing it would be wrong to disappear it in the stage of implantation].
Physicians conclude that the morning after pill [to name just one] is not abortifacient. [Oh yahh, this means after conception...!!]

What pro-lifers generally believe:
Most pro-life groups have a different definition of the term "pregnancy." They maintain that pregnancy begins during the process of conception when a unique DNA is assembled using components from the woman's ovum and the man's spermatozoon.
They further believe that EC can act in three ways, to
• Prevent ovulation.
• If ovulation has occurred, it can act to prevent conception.
• If conception has occurred it can act to prevent implantation.

Gracie Hsu of the Family Research Council said:
"For pro-lifers in general, we believe that [human] life begins at conception and that means this, technically, is an abortifacient." 4
Robert Maginnis, vice president of the Family Research Council said:
"As far as we're concerned it causes an abortion to take place. It kills a human embryo." 1

The "Christian Medical & Dental Society" (CDMS) of Bristol, TN issued a press release. They are a conservative Christian group who use the pro-life definition of pregnancy. They stated that:
"Contrary to the claims of some, the so-called 'morning-after pill' will dramatically increase - not decrease - the tragic number of abortions in this country. The public is being misled into believing that this concoction prevents a pregnancy when actually in most cases it will abort a pregnancy. ... Approving and promoting these pills is not only medically irresponsible, it is also sending the wrong message to the American public. Instead of promoting this as an alternative for family planning, we should be emphasizing sexual responsibility." 5

Some medical researchers believe that a pregnancy starts a week or two before implantation, they regard EC to be a potential abortifacient. They believe that EC can kill a living person. Thus, they are heavily motivated to oppose women's access to EC.

…doctors have traditionally been able to confirm pregnancy only upon implantation. At this point, the early developing placental tissue produces HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), a hormone which doctors can detect in the mother's urine and blood to verify pregnancy. The mother is obviously pregnant before that point.
[I also want you to see from this disagreement on beginning of life, the article’s conclusion]:

“………. But confounding the two allows the contraception industry to market abortifacient drugs as 'contraceptives' to an unsuspecting public."
Men and women please reflect…This is a very serious issue……

Friday, August 13, 2010

The Holy Trinity and Human Vocation

From the beginning every work that God with human partnership has done bears fruits in the new life in Christ, a life that the Father has planned and executed in accordance with the Holy Spirit. From the beginning everything that God produced is a loving work of the Holy Trinity consummated for each other and humankind enjoyment!Resources.

Some World Religions, for example Catholics, affirm that Life in the Holy Spirit fulfills the vocation of every man and women. But still there are people who feel that they have not accomplished their goals or vocation yet. These people are waiting to achieve their purposes in life, purposes that should be made up of divine charity and human concurrence. This is the life in the Spirit.

The Holy Spirit reaches people in different ways. One way as a substantial source of God's support is provided through signs called Sacraments that churches administer to their parishioners. Sacraments, or rites performed by believers, make possible for the faithful to interact and be united to Jesus, the Son of God. Jesus Himself taught the community to perform these rites during His years on the planet. On these days, Sacraments come to the church through religious services imitating and joining Christ liturgical acts in Glory.

The Holy Spirit also unites the Transcendence with individuals and communities through love, Baptism, which is a sacrament of initiation into the community of believers, Communions, Prayers, Spiritual Retreats and Charity. These channels of Grace or spiritual supports to His people are the main resource of the Holy Spirit to confer the righteousness of God upon communities.

If individuals let the Spirit to collaborate with their personal development and recreation of their being, the Holy Ghost as an inseparable partner of Christ work configures them to Christ’s thoughts, attitudes, behavior, suffering, dead and resurgence in glory. When this endeavor is achieved in tune with this Model of spiritual and human growth, the Spirit makes believers sharers of Christ life in eternity; the life that He has with the Father and Jesus Christ, the ones that fulfills men and women deepest purposes.


Monday, August 9, 2010

A Good Way to Enjoy Jesus Familiarity

Picture: La Rioja - Argentina. My hometown, a place where I heard for the first time about God.

When you think of Christ, do thoughts come to mind as a command or from the heart? This is important to know in order to see if you have the attitude that will make you feel absolutely comfortable with God.

The best disposition counts throughout the spiritual journey as a popular Biblical passage affirms: “He who humbles himself will be exalted”. This virtue is called humility and is the foundation and beginning to unveiling for you Jesus’ Face.

Only when a person humbly acknowledges that he/she needs a little time and preparation to succeed in the transcendent world of God, then he/she is ready to receive as a gift insight about spiritual matters.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Wisdom as a Mean to Get in Contact with God

I will be ready to help with any comments
concerning the content delivered in this blog.

This time I chose as a platform to reach you The Proverbs of Solomon, Son of David and King of Israel, (OT) Old Testament.

I like this book because Proverbs (Pr) is an insightful text that deals with matters of religious morality, that is, a wise way of behaving in conformity with God’s essence and consistent with common sense and good manners. It also comes out with the enlightened ancient teachers on what a wise person will do in certain situations such as in family relations and others business dealings as social relationships and the need for self-control.
You will find in (Pr) appreciative comments on humility, patience, respect for the poor, and loyalty to friends. The book collects proverbs that will help you to perceive de excellence of wisdom as sapience on spiritual matters, especially to admit that God deserves all human respect and appreciation. (Pr) will give you insight and understanding of sayings with deep significance.

As an example let me share with you the beginning of chapter 2 that I certainly enjoy. It says:
The advantages of wisdom
2:1. My son, if thou will receive my words, and will hide my commandments with thee,
2:2. That thy ear may give attention to wisdom: incline thy heart to know prudence.
2:3. For if thou shall call for wisdom, and incline thy heart to prudence:
2:4. If thou shall seek her as silver and shall dig for her as for a treasure

In this way along with biblical authors, ancient teachers remarked that the advancement is for the person given to spiritual reading (SR). But I am going to show you an antique discipline, the Lectio Divina, a kind of (SR) but which differs from habitual spiritual reading.
Hence, to gain access to its benefits, (SR) can have as its end the acquisition of knowledge, the establishment of convictions or the inspiration and promotion for generous acts. Conversely, the aim of Lectio Divina is union with God, dialogue, attention and reflection; self-gift through self-response, communion. This technique is considered one of the most appropiate for reading any of the dozens books that form the Old and New Testment and paricularly Proverbs. If you allow yourself to be grabbed by and enjoy His Word, you will hear even his silence. A siliende that will bring you to God’s clossenes.

http://www.Lectio Divina 101 What Are the Steps - ForMinistry.mht

...............  talk with you soon!